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const [ scrollPosition, setScrollPosition ] = useState( 0 );
const [ showLeftArrow, setShowLeftArrow ] = useState( false );
const [ showRightArrow, setShowRightArrow ] = useState( false );
const containerRef = useRef( null );
useEffect( () => {
if ( ! containerRef.current ) {
const { scrollWidth, clientWidth } = containerRef.current;
setShowLeftArrow( scrollPosition > 0 );
setShowRightArrow( scrollPosition < scrollWidth - clientWidth );
}, [ keywords, scrollPosition ] );
const handleOnClick = ( keyword ) => () => {
if ( typeof onClick === 'function' ) {
onClick( keyword );
const handleScroll = ( event ) => {
const { scrollLeft, scrollWidth, clientWidth } = event.target;
setScrollPosition( scrollLeft );
setShowLeftArrow( scrollLeft > 0 );
setShowRightArrow( scrollLeft < scrollWidth - clientWidth );
const scrollTo = ( element, position ) => {
if ( ! element ) {
element.scrollTo( {
left: position,
behavior: 'smooth',
} );
const handleLeftArrowClick = () => {
scrollTo( containerRef.current, 0 );
const handleRightArrowClick = () => {
const container = containerRef.current;
scrollTo( container, container.scrollWidth );
return (
{ showLeftArrow && (
) }
{ keywords.map( ( keyword, index ) => (
{ keyword }
) ) }
{ showRightArrow && (
) }
export default SuggestedKeywords;
Mike Mitchell Auto Sales – AMS Hosting
mike Mitchell\’s Auto Sales & Salvage
(931) 433-3434
Welcome to Mike Mitchell\’s Auto Sales & Salvage
Salvage Yard in Fayetteville, Tennessee
Don\’t fool around with the little yards. Call Mike Mitchell\’s Auto Sales & Salvage.
(931) 433-3434
About Mike Mitchell\’s Auto Sales & Salvage
Used Auto Sales & Salvage Yard in Fayetteville, TN
If you need used auto parts at great prices, come to Mike Mitchell\’s Auto Sales & Salvage. You\’ll find engines, transmissions, auto glass, and more.
Are you looking to get rid of that old car in your driveway? You\’re in luck, as Mike Mitchell\’s Auto Sales & Salvage offers cash for junk vehicles in and around Faytteville, TN.
Whether you\’re repairing your engine or replacing the whole thing, Mike Mitchell\’s AUto Sales & Salvage is the one to call first. We have a fantastic selection of used engines and parts.
Junk your car today regardless of the condition, we will buy your junk car and pay cash on the spot! The process is very simple and we pick it up with a licensed tow truck!
Get In Touch
(931) 433-3434
154 Molino Road, Fayetteville, Tennessee 37334, United States